Infertility Today

The Typical Process of Becoming Pregnant Today

You decide to have a baby. If you consult a gynecologist beforehand, the prenatal advice may be limited to “take a multivitamin and folic acid supplement per day”. After months of trying to conceive, you are still not pregnant – or worse- you may have suffered a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. You return to the doctor and may be told to wait up to a year and you may also undergo a series of basic tests. After that time period, you will most likely be sent to a fertility specialist where your choice will be limited to hormonal drugs and, possibly, IVF treatments.

Should you not choose this path and opt for natural conception, you may turn to alternative therapies e.g. acupuncture, naturopathy, homeopathy etc. This may bring results to some of you. For the rest, the only options left are conducting your own research to determine what’s wrong or continuing your search for the practitioner who can help you. All the while, that “clock” is ticking.

Why This Current Process is Ineffective

Firstly, time is being wasted. It is not necessary to wait; if there is a problem, it won’t be fixed on its own and waiting means postponing a solution. Furthermore, consultations with different doctors/practitioners and researching whom to go to is also very time and, possibly, cost-intensive. This would not be a problem if there were a satisfactory result; however, finding solutions in the US may be trickier than elsewhere. Why? Because medicine is not integrated in the US the way it is in other countries. For example, very few doctors in the US prescribe herbal supplements although this is considered standard care in many European countries. Thus, it is up to each individual to find the appropriate “expert”.

Even when the appropriate practitioner is found, the results may not come to fruition. Apart from the knowledge of the practitioner, which is obviously of utmost importance, the scientific system of classification is missing from most modern and alternative medicines.

Because of this, these practitioners do not know ahead of time what will and won’t work on you. Advice and prescriptions are handled on a one-size-fits-all approach. There is no consideration given to body type. Furthermore, some treatments that work well for some may actually be detrimental for others, steering the body away from the goal of becoming pregnant! For example, many herbal products prescribed by herbalists, naturopaths and TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) practitioners are based on the premise that they regulate female hormones. In fact, most of these have highly estrogenic properties so they only “regulate’ the hormones of women who have insufficient estrogen. For those with excess estrogen, the hormonal problem (if that actually is the cause of infertility) would only be made worse.

Finally, in cases of infertility, very rarely is there only one simple problem that can be isolated and addressed. It is usually a combination of factors that has led to the body’s demise and inability to perform a natural function and ALL of these have to be examined and treated.

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